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GitHub Security - Identity and Access

Monitor GitHub user identities, and access permissions with insights into roles, external collaborators, and role-based security controls.

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Author: Sola Security
Sola Security
Last updated 03 March 2025 Tags GitHub Access Control Monitoring +2 X

Gain visibility into GitHub user identities, roles, and permission levels. This app helps security teams monitor access rights, track external collaborators, and enforce role-based controls for improved security.

Who is it for?

  • DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, and security engineers responsible for monitoring repository activity, tracking developer contributions, and managing role-based access in GitHub.

What problems does it solve?

  • Get insights into GitHub user identities and role-based access to track external collaborators, enforce security policies, and reduce unauthorized access risks.

Key security questions

  • Are there any external collaborators with access to repositories?

  • Which team members have broad permissions across repositories?

  • Are there any teams with excessive permissions?

  • Which repositories allow admin access to multiple users?

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